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The ChEW Blog

Kristy Evers
3 min read
Agile Analysis and Evaluation
“Agile” is a popular phrase in workplaces these days, particularly in the fields of technology and product management. This approach,...
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Deon Simpson
4 min read
Choosing Confidently: A Checklist for Informed Decision-Making About Commissioning
Faced with choosing whether to self-evaluate or commission an evaluator? This blog provides a checklist to help you to decide.
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Jo Haffenden
4 min read
Commissioning Evaluation: A Cocktail Choice that can Lead to Fruitful Results or a Bad Headache.
Jo Haffenden discusses the strategic considerations behind the Masonic Charitable Foundation's decision to commission evaluations.
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Dave Salisbury
3 min read
What do we need evidence for?
And how exactly do we use evidence in decsion making CHEW Trustee David Salisbury shares his thoughts
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Dave Salisbury
7 min read
Defining 'evidence' and it's role in decision making
How do we understand evidence and use it effectively? In his second blog of the series Dave Salisbury shares his thoughts.
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3 min read
From Concept to Culture: Using Evidence in Your Organisation
Thinking beyond Covid-19 how do we embed a culture of evidence in organisations to help them thrive in the future?
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